Voucher Codes & Promotions
Discount and Promotions Policy
At Canvasity Crafts, we love offering our customers great deals and special promotions. Below you'll find the terms and conditions for our current sales and discounts.
Current Promotions
June Special - All Wall Art on SALE:
- Discount Code: JUNESALE
- Discount Amount: 25% off all items
- Validity Period: June 125h to June 30th
- How to Use: Enter the discount code JUNESALE at checkout to receive 25% off your order of eligible items.
June Special - Cat Wall Art:
- Discount Code: JUNECAT25
- Discount Amount: 25% off items in our Cat Wall Art category
- Validity Period: June 10th to June 16th
- How to Use: Enter the discount code JUNECAT25 at checkout to receive 25% off your order of eligible items.
How Our Discounts Work
- Limited-Time Offers: All our discount codes and special offers have specific start and end dates. Be sure to use the codes within the stated time frame to take advantage of the discounts.
- Multiple Uses Per Customer: Discount codes are not limited to one use per customer unless otherwise specified.
- Non-Transferable: Discounts and promotions are non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash or combined with other offers.
Displaying Prices
- Original Price: This is the standard price of the item before any discounts are applied. We show this with a strikethrough to identify this as a higher price.
- Special Offer Price: This is the price after applying the discount code, shown in black for easy identification.
Terms and Conditions
- Expiration: All discount codes expire at 11:59 PM on the last day of the promotion.
- Updates: We regularly update our promotions, so be sure to check back often for new deals.
If you have any questions about our discounts or need assistance, please contact us at hello@canvasitycrafts.com or via our chat function.
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